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Article Submission Guidelines

on Mon, 08/08/2011 - 21:15

The Globe at War is always looking for well-researched and well-written articles or book reviews. If you like to write, or are thinking about writing an article about military history than this website is the place for you.

The focus of The Globe at War is primarily on the Second World War, but article submissions and book reviews about the First World War, The Cold War (including the wars occurring during the Cold War), and today's wars are also accepted. The Globe at War is a privately owned web based community for individuals with an interest in military history, as such you, the author, retain full copyright for your articles and book reviews.

The Globe at War welcomes first time authors as well as experts in their fields. There are no set credentials required to write for The Globe at War. However, your writing will be evaluated and there are several criteria weighed in making a decision regarding publication - see below under the Submission Guidelines.


Article Submission Guidelines

The Globe at War provides a forum for mature thought on the Global Wars of the 20th Century and today. As such, only non-fiction articles are accepted for review. There are many possible topics worth writing about and submitting for publication to the Globe at War. These topics include but are not limited to; grand strategic or strategic analysis of warfare and/or combatants at war, operational campaign studies, tactical works, exploring historical myths and debates, weapons and weapons systems analysis, studies of important persons, military leadership, discussion of the art and science of modern warfare, national and international security affairs, defense related economics, doctrine, planning, technology, etc… If you are unsure as to whether your topic is right for The Globe at War merely email us at In addition, please write "Article Submission" in the subject line of the email; otherwise the email may be deleted as spam.

Submission Format: Please submit files in Microsoft Word as an email attachment. Double space your article, use one-inch margins, 12-point font, Times New Roman or another easily readable type set, number your pages, and use endnotes. Proper attribution and documentation for your ideas are a must. There is no endnote requirement per se, but a good rule of thumb is one endnote per one hundred words. Primary sources are not required, though they are always preferred. Most of your sources will likely be secondary sources, which should mostly come from acknowledged experts in the chosen field. If you are unsure as to how to format your endnotes merely check one of the books you own and copy the format you see therein. At a minimum endnotes must include (in the following order for books) author, title, publisher, year, and page. For internet citations include the date you last accessed the website. If directly quoting then use quotation marks; a citation is mandatory after a quotation. Indent as a block quote any quotes 50 words or longer. Format the main body of your email submission as a query letter briefly describing the subject and thesis of your article, what makes the article worth reading i.e. why is it unique, significant, interesting, length of your article (in words), status of project, and a paragraph stating why you are qualified to write this article.

Style: Write clearly, directly and lively. Avoid the passive tense, avoid jargon, and vary your sentence and paragraph length. Thoroughly proofread your work before submission, it will be your name on the published article. Remember, do not expect a comprehensive vetting of your materials. Primary evaluation of your article will come from the ratings or comments your peers assign to your article i.e. after publishing your article on the web. So submit your best work, because it will be posted for as long as this web site exists. If your article generates enough debate and interest, one of your peers may even write an article challenging your thesis! Academic or specialized papers, such as theses, are acceptable for publication but require modification for a general reading audience before submission. Please break up your article with subheadings. If you are unsure as to what is meant by this please take the time to look at some of the published articles. Finally, if you want your article to be illustrated you will need to supply your own pictures, headings and attribution for the pictures.

Length: Articles should run a minimum of 3,000 words and should adequately cover the chosen subject matter, scope and thesis chosen by the author.

I look forward to reading your work!

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