The Execution of Violette Szabo

On or about February 5, 1945 one of the remarkable heroes of the French Resistance and British Special Operations Executive (SOE) - Violette Szabo - was executed by the Nazi's following her July 1944 capture. Born in Paris on on June 26, 1921 Violette's familiy moved to London during her childhood. During WWII she joined the SOE.
Following her training and early in April 1944 Violette parachuted into German occupied France. She quickly went to work relaying valuable intel back to the Allies before returning to England at the end of the month. Then, just after D-Day, she returned to France and helped sabotage German lines of communication leading to Normandy. Captured in July 1944, she was tortured and sent to Ravensbruk Concentration Camp. She was one of approximately 100,000 women the Nazi's executed at Ravensbruk.
I watched a movie this
I watched a movie this morning called "Carve Her Name with Pride. An excellant movie about a true "HERO" may she rest in peace.
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