New Book Review Published

The Michigan War Studies Review (MiWSR) has just published my latest book review. This is my third review for MiWSR (a scholarly journal affiliated with the Michigan War Studies Group) and it is of David Stahel's Operation Typhoon: Hitler's March on Moscow, October 1941. Unlike the previous two work's I have reviewed for MiWSR this is unfortunately a book that I found quite lacking.
Though the book has some commendable qualities, it's overall impact is to further obscure just why and how the Second World War reached the conclusion it did. In addition Stahel's work provides a very incomplete and self-selective look at Army Group Center's efforts on Germany's eastern front during the fall of 1941; all while accomplishing the dubious feat of doubling down on the discredited idea that mass and material are the most important variables in determining victory in modern warfare.
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