Hitler's Art Collection Discovered

A hidden stash of Hitler's private art collection has been found. What's more, and rather uniquely, this time it appears the seven discovered paintings may have included items he might have actually bought. Normally, Hitler and his cronies were more likely to have stolen whatever it is they acquired. Massive looting ranked among the signature activities of the Third Reich during its sweep across Europe, that is once one gets past genocide, mass enslavement, and other such core Nazi values and pursuits.
Even more noteworthy is that the art appears to have been found in a Czech convent not far from Prague. The paintings found include what is reportedly one of Hitler's favorite pieces - a large painting of wounded soldiers in a trench at Stalingrad with fierce fighting swirling all about them. Though an initial reaction could be one of surprise at why a rendition of one of Hitler's greatest defeats would rank among his favorites, such astonishment must be tempered by the understanding that such a painting goes to the core of his Social Darwinistic beliefs - regarding the struggle of the races in the fight for global supremacy. Though there are no currently available photos of the recently found paintings I did find these pictures of some of Hitler's own artwork; painted by him as a young man - with Hitler's "The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich" pictured here.
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