Hitler's Manufactured Pretext for War

The Second World War ended well over 60 million lives in six of the most horrific and brutal years in history. Today, we remember the war's beginning, exactly seventy years ago this September, mostly from the perspective of the German war machine's blitzkrieg across Poland. However, what is often forgotten is that even a tyrant such as Hitler still sought political cover for his war of expansion and extermination in Eastern Europe. In reality, the Second World War thus began not with the roar of panzers and stuka dive-bombers, but with a series of lies; all designed to give Hitler his final pretext for war.
After a summer of Nazi initiated unrest had swept through Danzig, to create an appearance of local agitation for German intervention, Hitler had directed Heinrich Himmler (Commander, or Reichsfuhrer, of the SS), and Reinhard Heydrich (Commander of the SD) to initiate several planned fabricated border incidents calculated to grant domestic legitimacy for the impending German invasion. SS and SD officers planning the actual operations faced tremendous pressure to not only succeed but also take their secrets to their graves; if they ever let on the border incidents were contrived the SS would murder them and their entire families. Such were the lengths Hitler and his cronies went in order to preserve their public political standing at the expense of the lives of even their most loyal and indoctrinated subjects. The plans included leaving behind murdered concentration camp victims disguised as German civilian workers to provide "proof" the Polish attacked and killed Germans.
The targets for the SS directed sham attacks included a German radio-station, customs post and gamekeeper's residence. The radio-station served as the primary objective with the raid staged to occur live, on air, as Polish-speaking Germans proclaimed Polish nationalistic slogans and threats against Germany at the same time the German public heard gunshots and other noise of battle. To complete the ruse, and in yet another violation of International Law, German soldiers and policemen dressed as Polish civilians.
In the early morning hours of September 1, 1939 German Special Forces launched their "attacks". Numerous mishaps marred the operation. Poor planning meant the attackers targeted a radio station only transmitting to a small, rural area. Thus instead of millions of listeners, only a limited German listening audience actually heard the "attack". Nonetheless, the raids helped provoke the German public; therefore achieving their intended effect.
Hitler appeared on cue before the Reichstag later in the day. Hitler stated, somehow, with a straight face, that despite his best efforts to mediate a peaceful resolution to the Danzig problem, "These proposals for mediation have failed because in the meanwhile there, first of all, came as an answer the sudden Polish general mobilization, followed by more Polish atrocities. These were again repeated last night…This night for the first time Polish regular soldiers fired on our own territory. Since 5.45 A.M. we have been returning the fire, and from now on bombs will be met with bombs." With that, over 1,500,000 German soldiers, 2,000 tanks, and 2,200 combat aircraft poured over the Polish border.
by Steven Douglas Mercatante
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